Let us face it; the process of finding a great job is not a walk in the park. To begin with, you have to find a job opening that you are qualified for, which also has reasonable pay. Then comes the part of sending out CVs to recruiters or hiring managers and having to wait for a response.

More often than not, you do not get feedback. It begins to feel like your resume disappears and doesn't even get to the hands of hiring managers. You are not entirely wrong.
The traditional recruitment process is now a thing of the past, especially with large firms. Almost, if not all, job applications are sent via email and websites. To sort through the numerous applications that come in, firms use an Applicant Tracking System(ATS). Essentially, it is a bot that selects which resumes get through and which doesn't.
What can you do to get through to a human?
How can you then optimize your CV in a way that ensures that your application would not be filtered out? Get it done in these four easy steps:
Be sure that your resume is a good fit for the positions that you seek
The ATS filters out resumes that are not in line with the job description. For example, a resume that contains the skill set and experience of a brand manager has no business in a cluster of resumes for roles in the pharmaceutical industry. Once the system notices that your resume lacks the core skills of the target role, it filters it out. This reason is why you must pattern your resume to indicate that you qualify for that position.
Have a resume that is easy to scan
The applicant tracking system is similar to how recruiters would browse through CVs. They look for relevant information, and as such, they favor straightforward resume formats. There is no need for complicated designs, even for positions that hold an affinity for design skills. Vital details must be easy to find. Because of this, it is wise to adopt chronological and combination resume formats.
Choose the right file format
There seems to be a never-ending debate as to what file types your resume should be. As much as .pdf files preserve your layouts better, the ATS parses .docx files more accurately. This reason is why you should send out your CV in a .docx format, except when it is strictly specified to use a .pdf file type.
Utilize the right keywords
This is the most crucial step in CV optimization. Your keyword usage is the primary determinant of your resume getting seen. Keywords, in this case, refer to essential words that show that your resume fits the role. These keywords may be skills that are core to the position, degrees, or certifications relevant to that industry or even the job title. However, do not try to trick the ATS by leaving lots of keywords dangling around. To properly optimize your CV, you can use the Jobalytics plugin to find those keywords that the ATS and hiring managers consider relevant to your desired role.
Having a resume with the correct details in it is one big step forward in landing your dream job. Visit Jobalytics to learn more.